Excessive Dog Barking: STOP IT NOW!

Behavioral problems can sometimes cause the owner to give up on their pets. These problems may range from digging and barking to belligerence. Barking is one of the most common behavioral problem of all. It causes pressure and anxiety to everybody, including you, your neighbor or (even if it’s not noticeable) your dog too. It is natural for dogs to bark. When they bark for no reason at all – this is a big trouble. To fully address this problem, you have to realize why your dog barks.

Excessive Dog Barking



  1. Lack of Activities. If people talk to take boredom away, then dogs bark. Is your dog confined in a cage for a entire day? Then, it may the cause why he is barking. Maybe, he’s fed up just sitting all day, watching strangers go by.
  2. Excitement. In opposition to boredom, dogs bark for the reason that they are excited and happy. A change in scenery, new person, new dog or any change at all may result to his barking.
  3. Alarm. They bark to alert you that there are strangers coming. Sharpening this character may help you protect you and your family.
  4. Separation Anxiety. One thing that can lead to barking is when you are leaving your house or your dog can’t see you. This may be due to insecurity and loneliness.
  5. Attention-seeking. They bark to catch your attention. The kind of barking is usually like that of a whine of a child.
  6. Response. Let’s face the reality. Barking is a dog’s way of communicating with each other. They make noises to respond one another or to make his presence be felt by the other dogs.
  7. Improper confinement. He might not be comfortable in the position where you placed him.

Prevent Dog Barking


1. Never shout at your dog when he’s barking. Shouting loud may give the dog an idea that you’re barking with him. This will only encourage him to bark more.

2. Coaching your dog is a must. If you will train your dog at a young age, it will save you from the development of barking problems when he become an adult. You can easily tell him to stop doing those things that has a good effect on you.

3. Your dog should have lots of exercise. Make sure that your dog exercises consistently. This will help him release any pent up energy that he uses to bark.

4. Do not use bark or citronella collars. These are not the correct way of stopping your dogs from barking.

5. Avoid leaving your dog for long periods of time. This will only aggravate his feeling of being isolated and will only lead him to bark more to catch your attention when you get home.

6. move him to a more comfortable place.

7. Improve your dog socialization skills. Behavioral problems are sometimes a result of poor socialization skills. There are several ways on how you can do this. Introduce one dog to him at a time – don’t crowd her with too many dogs. You have to introduce your dog first to a few puppies slowly. After he gets used to them, you can let him go on a big group of dogs.

8. Consult a veterinarian if all these things fail.

Dog Barking Solutions

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